Equipment review: Resistance Bands 

With school and work kicking my a** , and Texas weather being stupid cold I’ve lately had no desire to go to the gym, or write about it (hence my absence from blogging in awhile). However I know working out is good for my physical and mental health so I’ve been a doing high intensity quick at home workouts with just me my yoga mat, and my 7 lbs bar bells. As much as I’ve been enjoying my at home workout I miss the comfort of using gym equipment, so I’ve starting researching cheap substitutes for my gym desires. My latest purchase, resistance bands. I went to my local athletic store and got two resistance bands for $5. I was confused when I opened them and realized that they did not come in a stretchy circle form like I saw on Pinterest, so I had to tie them myself. Tried working out with them and it just didn’t work. The only workout I can do without them slipping around or popping are jump squats, and I don’t really feel a major difference in tension between doing them with or without the bands. I hate to get on here and say something didn’t work for me but they just didn’t. I’m disappointed but maybe I bought the wrong kind, maybe legs are too baby smooth to hold a resistance band, maybe Pinterest makes everything look too easy? Who knows, but from my experience I wouldn’t recommended skipping out on this at home equipment.